About the Journal

JOELI: Journal of Educational and Learning Innovation.  This journal covers various topics in the fields of education and learning innovation. These topics include, but are not limited to educational psychology, curriculum development, instructional design, educational technology, assessment and evaluation, teacher training, and educational policy. JOELI ensures the publication of the best evidence-based research through a rigorous peer-review process, thereby contributing to the improvement of teaching and learning methods worldwide. By promoting the distribution of the latest research and best practices, JOELI seeks to inspire positive transformation and progress in education systems and practices globally. This journal will be published every three years, with three issues each year.

JOELI invites academics to contribute their thoughts in the form of original research results, literature reviews, case studies and theoretical papers that contribute to advancing knowledge and practice in the field of education and learning innovation according to their scientific discipline. Original manuscript, never published in other media. Manuscripts are prioritized from research results and written in Indonesian and English.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2: November 2024
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Indexing in Progress

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